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… But it’s one of those days where you start serious and end up with a joke…


The Janitor in the Classroom

I stopped to watch him clean the window glass
And wet mop the floor and make real sure
The day’s questions, unanswered, or unasked
Were washed from blackboards and the doors secured.

“His kids,” he calls them, who went home today;
They live the “life-changing experiment,”
Which is to navigate the unknown way
To save the future which we have not spent.

An old man’s mind makes orderly his past
But lives as the victim of his future.
He washes sinks and wipes the window glass
And prepares the classroom to make sure

The desks line up in geometric rows.
What they will learn will save him, this he knows.

… Oh well, what the hell
You never ever can tell.

If you think that he’s a dope,
We can end this with this joke:

An optimist’s fortune cookie
Tongue twister summary:

Our children are our heirs
Until theirs are theirs.