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He will win reelection if he can:

1)  Create chaos in the streets & fear in white Americans:

That ain’t over yet. This is at the heart of his campaign.

He needs looters and the fear of Black people because “it won’t be your White America in 20 years.”

If he can again provoke demonstrations, can use Federal troop, and get looters — imagine October and election day in November if he can get looters!

2)  Eliminate the vote:

Aggressively underfund the Post Office so that the collection of votes can be curtailed for being too late, or lost. The post office is already underfunded. He will succeed in this if he has not already.

3)  Control the media message:

a. Sinclair Broadcasting (which controls the broadcast network for small media TV stations across the country) recently broadcasted that Dr. Fauci created the virus and shipped it to China. It joins Fox and Tucker Carlson (who has the greatest following of any TV host) in broadcasting intentionally false information.

b. Attorney General Barr will soon reveal the results of the third known investigation focused on the opening of an F.B.I. counterintelligence investigation during the 2016 presidential campaign, as well as the debunked theory that the 2016 Trump campaign was bugged.

c. Forget the courts! They will have no force or effect before the election until they can move as fast as Twitter.

4)  Polarize the vote:

Create a caricature of the “smug” and “politically correct” Democrats who remain arrogant, confident, and vocal that he will lose. He needs hate to bring out the vote.

5)  Control and dismiss any feeling we may be losing our place in the free world:

Well, nobody has cared so far that we abandoned our allies:

1) South Korea, Japan and Asia, leaving them to North Korea.

2) The Kurds, surrendering the Middle East to Russia.

3) Europe and NATO (as they abandon us).

He has done that.

Or that our enemies:

1) Make fools of us when they pay a bounty for killing our American soldiers (but if a Black man kneels during our National Anthem in a 1st Amendment Constitutional protest he is chastised for disrespecting our military? Really?).

2) Openly interfere with our elections.

3) Build up missile attack forces that can now hit our country and our allies, because our president has declared that our historic anti- democratic enemies are, in fact, our friends.

He’s done that.

And finally,

6)  Avoid blame or responsibility for COVID-19 (“The China Virus”).

No problem! Say the governors have botched it. He’s done that.

Forget the polls. Why do you want to be wrong again?